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Less than 5% "own" creative share - and no permission at all

These are the poor remains of the "ITALIAN SOFTWARE COMPANY's" own "creative" share.  But - even those elements were taken from the original image, except the mobile phone and the temple-like building. We must not forget that any change or manipulation within a protected work requires an explicit permission of the copyright owner. Wolfgang Karner as the only creator of this visualization is the only copyright owner! The "ITALIAN SOFTWARE COMPANY" never got in touch with Wolfgang Karner or tried to reach for the necessary permission for this manipulation.

We must consider this manipulation of Wolfgang Karner's work  as a severe copyright infringement.  Nevertheless we always tried to find a constructive arrangement for both parties.
The "ITALIAN SOFTWARE COMPANY" denied any copyright infringement and declared the "Italian software company's" falsifications as a "new and original image". The "ITALIAN SOFTWARE COMPANY" consequently refused to negocate - especially after we rejected a sudden, ridiculous 15% offer of the appropriate compensation fee.


This publication intends to protect our intellectual property. We are considering this as a 


DEDAGROUP uses a copyright protected software architecture graphic from Wolfgang Karner for its worldwide business purposes without any authorization! The company denies and threatens with lawsuits.

