Example: A huge "Data lake" scenery for SWISSCOM


Record-breaking PPT-slide: Wolfgang Karner created this huge Data Lake Scenario for
Switzerland's leading telecommunication provider SWISSCOM. The company visualizes with
this metaphoric image the unique significance of Smart Data Topics for the future
of the company and its customers. Opportunities, risks and the
responsible handling of the enormous amounts of data and their
meaningful utilization are presented here in a metaphorical and easily
comprehensible manner. We integrated the individual sceneries into a
comprehensive presentation, illustrating the technical, economic and
ethical interdependencies between data generation, product development
and customer benefit. It was created on one PPT-Slide with more than 90 MB of vectorized, handmade objects.
For details see the zoomable high resolution version (10 MB).

Our work is faked by DEDAGROUP!
The Italian IT-group brazenly denies any use!

Here we see a extremly brazen case of "copyright piracy" - an unauthorized
manipulation and use of our copyright protected work. It was illegally used for years by the
Italian IT-company DEDAGROUP for worldwide business purposes. After we asked the company to stop this
unlicensed utilization of Wolfgang Karner's visualization, they denied
any copyright infringement and even threatened with lawsuits in case of publication.
As further complaints failed and offers to negotiate were ignored, we
are forced to publish this case in order to prevent further abuse.
Since we started publishing this incredible case
of copyright piracy on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook,
DEDAGROUP's attitude concerning the incident hasn't changed! They are
still refusing to negotiate and they tried to manipulate LinkedIn by
claiming our posts would be "defamatory". Every educated individual
knows that "defamation" requires a false
statement in order to harm someone's reputation.
Totally irrational in this case of copyright piracy. As our publication
perfectly compares original and falsification, facts and truth are
obvious to anyone - except for some DEDAGROUP representatives. Any
damage to the company's reputation is only created by DEDAGROUP's
activities like this act of copyright piracy and cowardly denying it.
So we keep on spreading this
case and we also will increase our activities in wider areas with
increasing intensity.

arguments have a hard time against the subtle insights of preliminary
assessments. The importance of the unconscious in the interpretation of
the gigantic flood of perception is undoubted. Therefore we all tend to
immediately attest "beauty" the property of the "better". In the area of Corporate Communications this is particularly obvious.
Each of your communicated elements
carries individual, subliminal messages. The better you are able to
transmit positive from the outset, the better your chances are to
achieve your goals. Use this key possibilities of a sophisticated,
distinguished line of communication and present yourself from your very
best side. We can help you to synchronize your visual content with your
company's quality standards.

More and more illegal copies and brazen plagiarism of Wolfgang Karner's visualizations in
the internet and other media. The focus of the illegal activities is on
the acclaimed "software architecture" visualization. It is
entirely positive when a creative's work is
appreciated, but it can not be accepted that companies, universities
and individuals simply steal someones intellectual property and
using it for their own business purposes. We are
taking legal actions against these copyright violations. Hotspots of
this illegal activities are Southern Europe, Central and South America,
from Mexico down to Chile.